Tupac - Tupac Moto 8.25” Primitive Skateboard Deck
TUPAC Tupac Moto 8.25” Primitive Skateboard Deck Skateboards and skateboarding have come a long way since their inception in the 1940’s. Now skateboarding is not only an International sport, but a culture and lifestyle. This culture has influenced artists around the world to transform the original plain boring skating decks, into collectible an...
Tupac - Tupac Shadows 8.125” Primitive Skateboard Deck
TUPAC Tupac Shadows 8.125” Primitive Skateboard Deck Skateboards and skateboarding have come a long way since their inception in the 1940’s. Now skateboarding is not only an International sport, but a culture and lifestyle. This culture has influenced artists around the world to transform the original plain boring skating decks, into collectibl...