Retail Store Opening

We are excited to announce that our first ever retail store/collection point will be open in Adelaide from this Saturday the 16th of July 2016. Hero Stash is predominately an online store, but we would like to offer local customers the option to pick up their orders and avoid a shipping charge. We aim to also establish ourselves as a store that will help local collectors get what they are looking for at better than retail prices. Come in and tell us what you collect and what you want and we will do everything in our power to get it for you. All our prices are always cheaper than RRP (Regular Retail Price), even if just slightly.
In preparation for our opening we engaged a local Adelaide artist to airbrush some of our favourite Marvel and Star Wars characters for our new shop signage. She did an amazing job and I am sure you will agree that it is quite a nice sight to see while traveling down Hampstead Road. Since the sign went up last week we have often found ourselves standing out the front just to marvel at the artwork.
Our shop is located at 2/79 Hampstead Rd, Manningham, South Australia. To start with we will be open on Saturdays from 10am-12pm (usually longer) as a set time for collections and walk-ins. In addition to that time we will be open sporadically throughout the week plus you can make an appointment for a convenient time to pick up your order.
We are a small, local business and we are very passionate about all things collectable. Hero Stash was established to help the local collector community get what they want quickly, easily and at fair prices. Come in and say hi. See you on Saturday!
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